Home Opinion Year in Review 2015: 10 Best Games

Year in Review 2015: 10 Best Games


6: Rainbow Six: Siege

Rainbow Six Siege is already fighting a difficult battle trying to enforce a more methodical vision of a competitive shooter. It’s a minor miracle that Ubisoft Montreal has built such a solid foundation in that regard. But the bizarre progression hooks Siege borrows from free-to-play games, its dearth of content and its network problems make for an awful lot of frustration to overcome in search of those rare moments of unit cohesion.

5: Call of Duty Black Ops III

How you feel about Black Ops 3 as a package will depend on what you’re looking for in a shooter. If your focus is on competitive play, then this will be your favourite CoD of recent years. If you and your mates love to smash things up in co-op, Black Ops III gives you plenty of opportunities, so get stuck in. Yet it’s hard to escape the nagging feeling that this would have been a better CoD had Treyarch focused less on the co-op and the extras, and a little more on delivering their best CoD campaign to date.

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