Crytek has announced that they have sold their Crytek Sofia studio to Creative Assembly and Sega Europe. It will now operate under the name of Creative Assembly Sofia.

Crytek confirmed inĀ a press releaseĀ that it would be closing five studios- including the Sofia-based studio- as a way of cutting costs. It would mean that Crytek would have only 2 studios remaining, in Frankfurt and Kiev.

ā€œIn the past few weeks, we have worked closely with Creative Assembly and the team in Sofia to ensure that the talented staff at Crytek Black Sea would be well taken care of,ā€ Cryteks Managing Director, Avni Yerli said in a press release.

ā€œWe are delighted to be able to announce that SEGAā€™s acquisition of Crytek Black Sea has been finalized along with the studioā€™s transition from Crytek to Creative Assembly. This change is a part of the essential steps we are taking to re-focus on our core competencies and ensure Crytek is a healthy and sustainable business moving forward. We would like to thank the Sofia team for their passion and dedication and are looking forward to seeing them do great things as part of Creative Assembly.ā€

Under Creative Assembly, the new development team will have employ 60 people but as of yet, no announcement has been made on any upcoming games.

Some of Creative Assembly’s most recent line-up include Total War: Warhammer, Halo Wars 2 and Ā Total War: Arena.

Don’tĀ forget to check out the ElitegamerĀ review of Halo Wars 2.


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