A new gaming platform called GeX (Esports TV Limited) is set to launch on Kickstarter in the hope of securing the required funds to take the next step in development.

GeX is a centralized gaming platform that brings WebTV, Social media, third-party services as well as a diverse marketplace, into one location.

“I am delighted to announce the launch of our Kickstarter, we are currently finishing off our designs for the platform and to announce what users can expect on the platform,” said Theo Goyvaerts, CEO of GeX. “We are currently on track with our milestones and we are looking forward to starting development on the platform after Christmas”

GeX will be able to cater for up to 100 Esports and gaming channels. For those of you that set up a lot of gaming accounts across different services, then this platform would suit you down to the ground because it tracks and saves details of gaming accounts across the web. You can even order take away from the platform. GeX also allows users to buy and sell gaming related products through the platform.

They’re looking to raise €40,000 in capital through Kickstarter to continue the development of the platform with an initial launch window of July 2018. All going to plan, development of the platform will commence in January of 2018.

GeX has recently entered the entrepeneur development program New Frontiers while its Ceo, Theo Goyvaerts was a finalist in the IBYE Carlow (Young Entrepeneurs Award). They are also looking to expand their written and video content.

If you want to help the site reach its goal then just head over to its Kickstarter page and donate.

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