The Division 2 is almost upon us. With private betas finished and opinions positive, Ubisoft are hoping to seal the deal with a cheeky little gift for PC players.

Ordering the game via UPlay before 14/03/19 will see players pick up a free digital standard edition of Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands, Far Cry: Primal or Watch Dogs 2. If you have already pre-ordered the game on UPlay the offer still applies so check your UPlay account.
Players will need to choose their free game before March 31st and their chosen game will be available to play when The Division 2 releases on March 15th.
Out of the three, Watch Dogs 2 is probably the standout. Quietly admired by a few critics, WD2 didn’t reignite the franchise commercially.

Watch Dogs 2 flips the tone of the original game on its head for the better. Gone is the dry and slow feel of the first title, replaced with a tongue-in-cheek and sometimes irritating cacophony of dead memes, zombie memes and jokes about Millennials.

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands is another title that quite a few of you will have missed out on but should play. The single-player campaign has some balancing issues that centre around the squad-targeting system and how it’s beyond overpowered when combined with helicopters. The story has two endings which are hard-hitting and depressing – I suppose it goes with the international cocaine trade. The title saw a PvP element added some time after release and it’s probably the best part of Wildlands. Dropping a pinch of R6:Siege and other class-based competitive shooters’ PvPs into the Wildlands combat engine was empirically a good idea.
Any remaining questions can be answered here.