original20161162136705Rumour has it that Dublin is set to get it’s first barcade. What is a barcade you may ask? Well its pretty much a mixture of a bar and an arcade, a licensed establishment that serves alcohol with a ton of arcade games. Pretty much the perfect hangout spot for social gaming.

Barcades have become very popular in the US especially so in Portland. What’s better than meeting up with your friends for a few drinks and being able to play games at the same time?

The R.A.G.E. on Fade Street recently posted on Facebook and mentioned that they may be opening a barcade in Dublin. The post said that “our more regular customers may be already aware of this, but since last January we’ve been working on setting up a venue in the city.”

“Last April we locked down a HUGE premises, and just before Christmas we received the exciting news that our planning has been granted. We’ll be looking to open the doors with the intention of kicking off the summer. We have already compiled amazing original arcade machines, top tier pinballs, and we’ll provide drinks, snacks, music, consoles, events, screenings and more.”

Are barcades a good idea? Let us know in the comments below!

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