From the creator’s of the highly beloved broswer RPG Kingdom of Loathing comes the long awaited sequel by Asymmetric Productions, West of Loathing. You play as a stick figure wannabe cowboy as he sets off on his wild West adventure as a cow tipper, snake oiler, or beanslinger. Like Kingdom of Loathing, players can expect the same satire-laden humor constant throughout the game and turn based combat. Unlike Kingdom of Loathing, however, West of Loathing features moving graphics and will no longer be text based. The style of the graphics is still the same beloved stick figures, though, to further add to the unique sense of humor in the Loathing games.

Asymmetric confirmed on Twitter that their highly anticipated game will be coming out for Steam on August 10. It’ll be available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The demo that’s been touring through a number of conventions has been given a good degree of awards and recognition, such as being an Official Selection of the PAX 10 2017.


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