In the wake of that one event back in March, we have seen many new events enter the Irish scene. Both 8-Bit Gaming Conference and PlayersXpo were well organised and helped heal the salted wounds of many con-goers. They were somewhat under-attended and I feel this is mainly due to the controversy surrounding the March event. These events are crucial to rebuilding the trust between event organisers and con-goers.Enter Gamerfest 17, the third of four events running before the end of this year. Gamerfest is a Galway based event and much like Players and

Enter Gamerfest 17, the third of four events running before the end of this year. Gamerfest is a Galway based event and much like Players and 8-Bit, they have a strong lineup. Our good friends AllCast Irish Gamers, Antitinkerbell and Retro Gamer Ireland will all present entertaining the audience. If you haven’t had the pleasure to see these guys live or meet them face to face then this is a good opportunity!

If a live show isn’t your Cupán Tae then you also have the Player Zone, outfitted with the latest games and a chance to tackle VR; a RetroZone; guaranteed to slap you in the face with some nostalgia and several stalls to pick up the coolest gaming merch, for yourself or as geeky Christmas presents!

The organisers of Gamerfest were also kind enough to give us four tickets (2x Sat & 2x Sun) to give away! Keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter for details on how to enter. Gamerfest 17 should be a good weekend and I can’t wait to go along. Will I be seeing any of you there? Let us know if you will be joining us!

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