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The ongoing battle between protecting customers privacy and helping law enforcement stopping a serious attack has taken another turn. It’s been revealed that SONY has handed over personal data of a PS4 owner to FBI officials after the FBI thought he was going to travel to the Middle East to join a terrorist group. It is believed this is the first case of SONY passing a customers info to officials after receiving a government order.

The suspect named Isse Aweis Mohamud lived in Kansas City, Missouri, was suspected of travelling to Iraq via Egypt to join a terrorist organisation. Mohamud, who was a naturalized US citizen originally from Somalia flew by commercial jet to Egypt and was in contact with multiple people according to the warrant issued by the FBI.

The application was originally filed back in May of 2017 but has only come to light in recent days after Sony released the search and seizure warrant. Some of the details handed over to the FBI include “account registration and associated device details for the PlayStation Network user ID DejanWoW, console activity, sales history as well as device message history for both PlayStation 3 and 4 consoles.”

For more information on this case, head over to Forbes where they’ve done a full write up on it including past conviction on this suspect.

Do you think SONY did the right thing in handing over private data or should they like Apple did, refuse to hand over information? Does it set a dangerous precedent where law enforcement can get our private data by simply getting a warrant?

Let us know what you think in the comments.

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