Ubisoft has revealed the first details of ‘Operation Para Bellum’ which a major update to season 2 of Rainbow Six Siege.

This new update continues to show that Ubisoft’s investment in Rainbow 6 is a long way from diminishing.

This new update will introduce 2 new Italian operators sho are specialised in defence along with the nineteenth map in the game.

So what’s new in ‘Operation Para Bellum’? It will introduce what they call a “Pick and Ban” system. This means that players will have the opportunity to counter their opponents picks during the banning phase.

This provides an extra layer of strategy that I’m sure gamers have been crying out for, for some time.

For a full reveal of all the new content that’s being added to year 3 season 2 of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, you’ll have to wait that little bit longer. The full reveal will take place on May 19th – 20th during the Pro League Finals.

If you’re in Paris in August, don’t forget that it will be hosting its own R6 major event called  “6 Major Paris”. Catchy, I know.

From the 13th until the 19th of August, teams will work their way through a group phase – which isn’t opened to the public – followed by quarters, Semi-Finals and the Final on the 19th. It’d be a nice little pre-Gamescom jaunt to the French capital.

For more info on this update head over to the R6 website.

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