
Nom-Con 2015

Nom-con is a non-profit Japanese animation and popular culture convention that is held annually over the course of three days. Their goal is to cover all areas of Japanese culture and fandom such as language lessons and tea ceremonies to games, anime, and manga, and also to Tokyo street fashion, and J-music. The event itself consists of panels, workshops, screenings, competitions, contests, while also bringing special guests, exhibitors, and specialist traders from all around the world. They also seek to try raise money for a different charity every year.

This year it is being held in the Ballsbridge Hotel, located on Pembroke Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, and is a 15 minute walk from Dublin city centre. It’s easily accessible to top Dublin attractions including Trinity College, the Guinness Storehouse, the Jameson Distillery,  Temple Bar and the shopping thoroughfares of Grafton and Henry Street.

This years timetable looks fantastic! The event is full of different activities from gaming events to cosplay competitions, on top of all that there are also a huge range of different movies available in the screening room. The merchandise area is usually a geeks paradise selling game memorabilia, costumes and comics as far as the eye can see.

Over the weekend there will be many varied and exciting panels, presentations and shows on offer. On Saturday there is even a ball followed by a rave! Needless to say you won’t be bored at this event and those lucky few who have VIP tickets have even more to look forward to!

Over the years Nom-con has also been known for running a number of smaller events during the course of the year such as Christmas parties, Cosplay picnics, and beach parties, and have helped at events organised by the Japanese Embassy in Ireland.

Also in co-operation with Eirtakon, they also organise a smaller mini-convention called Anime Dublin, which has been a great success!

Special Guests

[symple_tab title=”Stephanie Sheh”]

Stephanie-ShehStephanie is really excited to be attending Nom-Con. She is best known for her voice-acting in anime (Sailor Moon, Hinata “Naruto”, Orihime “Bleach”, Eureka “Eureka 7” Yui “K-on!” Mikuru “Melancholy of Harui Suzumiya”, to name a few). Stephanie has also voiced numerous videogames such as Rebecca Chambers in the “Resident Evil” franchise, “Braverly Default,” Natalia Kimlasca Landvaldeer in “Tales of the Abyss,” to name a few. Stephanie is also an ADR writer (Oscar nominated “Ernest & Celestine”) and voice director, and she produced the simultaneous release of the English Language Production of “Gundam Unicorn” in which she voiced Mineva.
[symple_tab title=”Sweet Angel Cosplay”]
Sweet-Angel-CosplayGloria, aka Sweet Angel, is an Italian girl who started to cosplay in November 2008.
She self- learned how to sew her own costumes, made props, style wigs and make-up.
Sweet Angel loves to organize cosplay-groups for join big competitions and she won (in group and solo too) various awards in some of the biggest Italian events, for example Lucca Comics and Cartoomics.
Besides being a guest and judge for some cosplay conventions, both in Italy and in other countries, she is an event organizer, and with the team CosTrive she manages various cosplay events like competitions, photoshootings and meetings. In “real life” she’s a doctor of Industrial Biotechnology, in 5 years she gained the titles of bachelor degree and master degree.
[symple_tab title=”Mike Collins”]
Antonio-Style-CosplayAntonio is an Italian boy from Jesolo (near Venice), he has being cosplaying since 2009. He loves to create armors and weapons using different materials and techniques, probably he’s more a cosmaker than a cosplayer. Most of the time he cosplays characters from videogames and animes.
He has won several cosplay awards in his country and since 2010 he is a member of CosTrive group that organizes cosplay events in the North of Italy.
When he is not cosplaying, he spends most of his free time playing video games (Monster Hunter, World of Warcraft), reading manga and watching anime.

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