Orbital Speed Studios, Tactical shooter, Dual gear has been delayed into 2018. A crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo was started in 2016 and has since raised just over $21,000.

The previously released a Pre-Alpha for the PC version in 2016 with fans providing a lot of useful feedback on how to improve the game. But, because of this, they have decided to delay Dual Gear into 2018 without giving a fixed release date.

Orbital Speed Studios still do plan to show it at as many Video game conferences as possible with the first showing scheduled to take place at Bitsummit event (Kyoto’s Indie festival 2017) which takes place from 20-21 OF May, featuring some of Japans best Indie developers.

The Press release in full reads:

After launched the crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo from the first quarter of 2016, DUAL GEAR still going on the developments to the latest version on Closed-Alpha 0.90.4 right now.

After launched the Pre-Alpha version for PC version on 2016 and now is Closed Alpha with the version above, The game has received a lot of feedback and critics that from all Alpha tester, which makes the developer know how the game should be and need to improve more. A lot of things in the game have changed with any Alpha tester opinion and helping the developer to made the game better. With so many factors the game still need more times in the development and change a time of release to 2018

However, the date and the quarters to release, still not decided but during the development time, the developer has a plan to show up the game on any events in the world in this year. The next stop, DUAL GEAR will show up the game at Kyoto on 20-21 This May on the BitSummit Event(Kyoto Indie Festival 2017) with a ton of Japanese Indie Game developer and look to seeking feedback from Japan again!

Dual Gear is being released on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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