Microsoft @ E3

Felt like your options were limited in the Intimidation Perk? Yeah, so did I. But the intimidation Overhaul mod is about to change all that, and maybe even make you rich in the Commonwealth.

So how does the Intimidation Perk work normally? Basically, you aim a ranged weapon at an enemy that is a lower level than you and there is a chance that they will surrender. When they surrender, they will raise their arms and you will get to command them a bit. And I mean a bit, there’s not that much you can actually do.

This Intimidation Overhaul Mod adds a lot more things to do when your foe surrenders. You can handcuff them if you have a pair of handcuffs on you, yes they are actually useful now. You can force them to give you their caps, cha-ching. And much more.

So you can tell them to “give me your caps” to earn a few pennies and then order them to “get out of here” and shoot them in the back as they enjoy their short-lived freedom.

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