Microsoft! Sony! Nintendo! Ubisoft! EA! Square!

It’s that time of year again. All the big game developers have converged upon E3 to announce loads of stuff that was already leaked weeks ago. Are you excited?

To help you get through the week with minimal fuss, we’ve put together a quick list of all the big announcements and events so you can set your clock, get the kettle on, and settle down for some compelling sales graphs.

Obviously, all the important mobile, handheld, and VR stuff will be on Pocket Gamer. But if you want to watch the shows yourself, here’s what you need to know and where you need to go.

Microsoft – Monday June 15th
9:30 AM Los Angeles | 12:30 PM New York | 5:30 PM London


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Microsoft will kick off the show with a press conference today. Expect lots of stuff on Xbox One – including Halo 5, Forza 6, and Rise of the Tomb Raider – but probably not much else.

Microsoft isn’t that fussed about handheld stuff. Perhaps we’ll get something about Windows Phone or Microsoft Surface, but I wouldn’t hold your breath. VR news, however, could be on the cards after MS announced its partnership with Oculus.

EA – Monday June 15th
1:00 PM Los Angeles | 4:00 PM New York | 9:00 PM London


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Later this evening we’ll get Electronic Art’s keynote. While the show will likely focus on big console stuff like Mirror’s Edge and Star Wars: Battlefront, mobile usually gets a little taste of the limelight.

Popcap hasn’t been up to much lately, so perhaps we’ll get a new game from the studio behind Peggle. And there’s always the chance of getting some big new sports game for your phone.

Ubisoft – Monday June 15th
3:00 PM Los Angeles | 6:00 PM New York | 11:00 PM London


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Just sneaking into Monday here in the UK, it’s the house of Assassin’s Creed and Rayman.

Like EA, Ubisoft’s focus will be squarely on those big plastic bricks you shove under your TV. But the French giant is also a big supporter of mobile, so fingers crossed for some fresh iOS and Android games.

Sony – Monday / Tuesday
Mon 6:00 PM Los Angeles | Mon 9:00 PM New York | Tues 2:00 AM London


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Ugh, you had to make things complicated, didn’t you Sony. Had to go and mess up my lovely chart.

Ah well, at least you’ll actually have some games we write about. Maybe – I suspect that the PS Vita will get about 2 percent of time compared to PS4, but we’ll take it. Us Vita fans are used to being shunned.

Luckily, most indie games come out on multiple Sony platforms, so Vita fans might get to snag a few cool indie hits coming tomorrow morning. We’ll be here with all the details when you wake up.

Nintendo – Tuesday June 16th
9:00 AM Los Angeles | 12:00 PM New York | 5:00 PM London


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As usual, Nintendo won’t be taking the stage at E3. Instead, it will roll out a special version of its Nintendo Direct broadcast.

If anyone has games for us, it will be Nintendo. It has already announced one 3DS game – Blast Ball – and released a bunch of Smash Bros content. And it accidentally leaked some amiibo, too. Whoops!

Still, fingers crossed for something exciting. There’s not too much on the horizon for 3DS so hopefully we’ll see a big new game for the dual screen handheld. Or a new amiibo. Or 100 new amiibo.

What we won’t see, by the way, is mobile. Nintendo has confirmed that it won’t be talking about its upcoming iOS and Android games, or its mysterious NX console tomorrow. It’s Wii U and 3DS or bust.

Square Enix – Tuesday June 16th
10:00 AM Los Angeles | 1:00 PM New York | 6:00 PM London

Square Enix

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Square Enix definitely has mobile games. We can’t say more than that, but we know that iOS and Android will definitely get a look in during Square’s presser.

But what games, exactly? Final Fantasy? Hitman? Tomb Raider? Deus Ex? SE has a lot of interesting franchises under its belt, so we’re excited to see what comes out of this keynote.

PC Gamer’s PC Gaming Show – Tuesday / Wednesday
Tues 5:00 PM Los Angeles | Tues 8:00 PM New York | Wed 1:00 AM London

PC Gamer

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This is a weird one. The magazine PC Gamer is hosting a keynote at E3 to give a bunch of PC developers some time in the limelight. Confirmed games include Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Heroes of the Storm.

Maybe we’ll get some cool VR stuff, or something to put in our Steam section down the line.

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