EA has officially announced the next Battlefield which will take place during the First World War. It will be called Battlefield 1 and it marks the first time an AAA war game will take place during WW1.

It will be released worldwide on the 21st of October, but those who pre-order the Early Enlister edition will receive the game on the 18th of October.

So far, the areas announced include the Italian Alps, Arabian dessert and the Western Front.

Dice have also revealed what vehicles will be available. They include Light tanks, heavy tanks, bomber planes, biplanes, boats, battleships and horses.

Weapons include pistols, shotguns, rifles, SMGs, flamethrowers, swords, shovels, riding clubs, and bayonets. Weapons like bayonets and shovels will likely mean an increase in hand to hand combat.

Expect more details to be released in June at E3 2016.

[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/c7nRTF2SowQ”]


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