The creator of the animated series Castlevania, Adi Shankar, has confirmed that his next project will be an anime series of Assassins Creed.

In a Facebook post, Shankar wrote:

“I’m happy to let you guys know that I’ve selected my next project! I played the first edition of Assassin’s Creed the year I moved to Los Angeles to pursue my dream. At that moment I knew absolutely no one in the industry and could never have imagined that one day Ubisoft would ask me to take the world of Assassin’s Creed and create an original story set in it as an anime series. If anyone tells you not to follow your passion in life they are wrong.”

No release date for the series has been announced as of yet. With Japan one of the locations fans have been desperate to see a Creed game set in, perhaps this is a stepping stone for that game to become a reality.




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