It’s that time of year again… In just a couple of weeks, the eyes of gamers will focus on LA as Sony, Microsoft and a host of others reveal what they’ve been working on these past 12 months.

And for Microsoft, this E3 could be their most important in god knows how long. Perhaps ever. Without a new shiny piece of hardware to get games journalists and fans talking, they’ll now have to rely on games and more games to show fans it’s worth investing in one of their consoles.

No Wind in their Sales

Judging by figures that EA released in the last few days when compared to the PS4, not too many of you feel it’s worthwhile investing in an Xbox One. According to EA, as of 31st of December 2017, Xbox has sold an estimated 29.5 million consoles. Given that it’s now May, that figure has more than likely surpassed 30 Million. But its still nowhere near Sony’s 70+ million consoles sold.  Those numbers just show why Microsoft was wary of making them public.

Can’t Buy Time

Phil Spencer has done a great job in repairing Microsoft’s reputation after the Don Mattrick ****show

We’ve been hearing these past few weeks and months is that Microsoft is investing in AAA games and even creating new studios to develop those games. But, a successful studio and AAA games don’t just happen overnight. It can take 3+ years to make a true AAA game. Just this week Rockstar has revealed that Red Dead Redemption 2 has been in development for 8 years.

If that’s the case it may be too late for Microsoft to salvage some pride this generation. We may have to wait for what’s presumably going to be called the Xbox Two. In that scenario, what in God’s name can Microsoft show gamers to get them excited about the next couple of years on Xbox?

It seems a safe bet that we’ll either get a reveal trailer or gameplay of Quantum Break 2. Remeber Quantum Break? It was released in those days that Microsoft thought TV was just as important as games to gamers. Let’s hope they’ve learnt their lesson and not include a tv show of the game as well.

Another Halo has surely been in the works at 343 Industries these last few years. Personally, I think Microsoft has milked that game for all it’s worth and now I just see any sequel doing damage to its own stellar legacy. After the cluster**** that was the Master Chief Collection and a good-but-unspectacular Halo 5 Microsoft needs to get back into Halo fans good books. It’s also one of Xbox’s few IP’s that can compete on a global level with anything Sony has to offer. Well, it was.

Small in Japan

Phil Spencer confirmed on Twitter that Japanese games will be showed off on the Xbox stage at E3 2018. Xbox has never sustained support for Japanese games on its console
and because of that its sales numbers in Japan are woefully bad. In fact, when the Xbox One S was released, it was advertised in certain Japanese stores as a 4K Blu Ray player instead of a console. That speaks volumes.

The gift that keeps on giving

But Japan is a market that Microsoft have tried and failed at before. Each previous Xbox has seen similar, albeit less loud, talk of ‘breaking Japan’. Xbox may well put their back into offering a meaningful third option in the far east this time around but given the writing in on the wall for this generation, it is probably pointless.

Sony fans may enjoy seeing Microsoft in this vulnerable position, but most gamers will know that one dominant system isn’t good for anyone except that system maker. If Sony becomes more dominant, what’s going to stop them from upping the price of their console and accessories? We’ve seen this generation the lack of appetite from Sony to make the PS4 backwards compatible. I’m certain if this generation was neck and neck, Sony would have introduced it. We’re not even taking Nintendo into consideration even though the Switch has been an incredible success for the Japanese company. I don’t believe that Nintendo is in competition with Sony and Microsoft but instead with other mobile offerings.

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Playstation Novus
Playstation Novus
6 years ago

Written by a PStwat shut your hole Twat how’s that Sony E3 Pure Dog shit show haha Microsoft destroy it once again …article is trash and so are you

6 years ago

And the salty rod continues to grow, ripping flesh, tearing orifices, and growing rage, jealousy and hate. The PS4 destroys you…in your sleep and your wake.

6 years ago

Wow, more feeling in this thread than I actually feel for my xbox one……

6 years ago
Reply to  buggerlugz

These guys are sexually attatched to their devices..

6 years ago
Reply to  buggerlugz

Ya funny how bent out ta shape they get about a plastic box.
Makes it pretty easy to bug them with a boilerplate response.

6 years ago

Oh look, it’s a delusional, inbred, Microsoft butt-humping fuckwit trying to damage control for his pathetic, last-gen, POS FAILURE of a dead console which is rotting down at the bottom of the sales charts. If you actually think the Xbox is any good then why don’t you BUY one you ignorant fucking gimp? Because sales prove that you and the rest of the Microsoft defence force haven’t even bought the shit console they claim to love so much, that’s why they’re letting it get smashed in the sales charts every week like the unwanted, worthless, pauper scum loser machine it… Read more »

6 years ago

click bait ps fanboy article.


slow clap.

6 years ago

it’s stlll selling welll tho…. last i heard the x is selling way more than the pro. either way the x is still the most powerful console ever.

6 years ago
Reply to  TheNorthFace

Where did you hear that?
I’ll wait but you won’t reply

Bilal Prince-Ali
Bilal Prince-Ali
6 years ago
Reply to  TheNorthFace

where did you hear that..? Because the only people talking about the sales of them two were random analysts lool…?

6 years ago
Reply to  TheNorthFace

You heard that from Microsoft without them actually divulging any numbers yet again. How can the PS4 have sold 15 million consoles from June 2017 to January 2018 and at least 2 million of those sales being Pro consoles? XboneX hasn’t even hit 2 million units since it launched 6 months ago with a year and a half hype building up to it.

PS4 Pro console sales are probably around 5 million a year and a half on. Heck, even PSVR sales the past year and a half are nearly 3 million at this point.

6 years ago
Reply to  andrewsqual

Evidence of the Pro selling 5 million?

6 years ago

Xbox has been posting trash sales figures because it’s a trash console with trash games. Xbox crybaby pauperboys can lie to themselves all they want but it won’t change the facts. The Xbox DONE is nothing more than a worthless, pathetic, unwanted, last-gen POS failure of a console for uneducated, non-gaming troglodytes and sales will always prove that. Xbox fans are actually incredibly wimpy and two-faced because they don’t even support the console they claim to love so much. You get plenty of retarded Xbox peasant boys spending 24/7 on the internet saying how much they love the console but… Read more »

6 years ago

I have always said that time will tell the tale of the two, but this time around I wish had and was able to eat my own words. New development on new “anything” is going to be many years off and that is going to hurt badly… I personally am a bit frustrated at my purchase of my X to be honest. I have only made the attempt to purchase used games at an unprecedented price savings as there are and have not been any games that have made want to spend anywhere near the maximum price yet… I say… Read more »

6 years ago

BC with PS3 games is not easily possible on PS4. Get it through your skull now. When Sony said this in 2013 they weren’t lying like Microsoft WAS when they said the same thing about Xbone and 360 games.

6 years ago
Reply to  andrewsqual

Microsoft wasn’t lying either ya dingle berry, if you listen to Phil Spencer in 2015, originally they didn’t think they could. They didn’t just implement it over night.

6 years ago

They said BC wasn’t possible on Xbone in 2013 because they didn’t want to bother. It brought up a lot of questions because it seemed weird since 360s PC style architecture and processor wasn’t much different to Xbone’s. Turns out they were lying idiot because it WAS possible with any effort at all was applied. But back in 2013, requiring the internet to do so and only 4% of BC games being supported at the start wouldn’t have exactly set the world on fire now would it? Almost 5 years on from that reveal and turns out BC is the… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  andrewsqual

” it WAS possible with any effort at all was applied.” You said that Microsoft “lied” and said it was impossible, so far the only thing that’s popped up is that the team originally “THOUGHT” it was impossible but it took over a year for them to implement the feature. A lie would imply that they knew the thing could be backwards compatible, that clear isn’t the case, you’d have to actually prove that at time Microsoft knew the thing could be backwards compatible and said it was impossible to avoid implementing the feature. So far the only thing that… Read more »