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    State of Decay 2

    STATE OF DECAY 2 Collectors Edition Announced, Missing One Important Item.

    The State of Decay 2 Collector's Edition has been announced and it contains a tonne of zombie-themed goodies for you to get your hands on. The...

    New Features Being Added to Microsoft’s Mixer Service

    Microsoft's game streaming service, Mixer, has introduced a bunch of new features in their latest update. Mixer has listened to fans requests and has introduced...

    Is Xbox Game Pass a Desperate but Inspired Gamble or a...

    Last Tuesday (23rd January) Phil Spencer announced that any first-party titles MS released for the foreseeable future will be available on Game Pass at launch. We ask if this is desperate gamble by the ailing giant or the first step on the road to 'Games as a Service'? Do we have anything to fear?

    What to expect (and hope for) from Xbox in 2018

    With the Xbox One X having launched just a few months ago, what can we expect from the folks over in Microsoft in 2018?

    Xbox Games With Gold Lineup Confirmed For December

    With December nearly in sight, Microsoft has gone and revealed the lineup for Xbox games with gold. There will be four games in total...

    Watch: Elitegamer & Allcast Irish Gamers Xbox One X Unboxing

    The good people at Microsoft were kind enough to send over an Xbox One X to the Elitegamer team. Check out ours and Allcast...

    Crackdown 3 Delayed Again. Now Releasing Spring 2018

    Are we heading for another Scalebound fiasco? Crackdown 3 has been delayed and will no longer launch on November 7th on Xbox One and PC....

    Spotify Set to Launch on Xbox One Ending Console Exclusivity with...

    After years of being exclusive the PS4, it looks like music streaming service Spotify will be heading to Xbox One. The first clue appeared in...

    Microsoft Unveil New Xbox One/PC Wireless Controller Adapter

    Microsoft has unveiled a new piece of tech that will allow players to connect up to 8 controllers wirelessly simultaneously.  It is 66% smaller than...

    Microsoft Ireland Partner with Payzone

    Microsoft and Payzone... Together at Last At around 2,700 outlets around the country, players can now buy MS digital products. This means Live subscriptions and...