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    2K Confirm LeBron James as NBA 2K19 20th Anniversary Edition Cover...

    2K has confirmed the cover artist for the for the NBA 2K19 20th Anniversary Edition will be  LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers. Alongside LeBron...

    Down But Not Out – Write Xbox Off at Your Peril

    Despite E3 being hailed as MS's 'squeaky bum time' by our very own Thomas 'T-Bag' Telford, the Seattle heavyweight is probably not entirely doomed if they show up for E3 with the usual guff and a Crackdown 3 delay.

    Onrush preview – Boring and Fairly Pointless

    Onrush is the new driving game from former Evolution Studios employees, the developers behind Sony exclusive Driveclub. Onrush is a car combat game which promises thrilling action but in this beta at least, it doesn't deliver.

    Conan Exiles review – Unintentionally Harsh and Cruel

    There is a little potential buried underneath the rubble that is Conan Exiles. The world, though sparse and slightly ugly does fit the license. The PvP is suitably unforgiving, the challenge of surviving the game brings out the worst in people and the best in the game.

    State of Decay 2 review – SoD Giveth, SoD Taketh Away

    State of Decay 2's world building and feeling of stress during survival is commendable. But the game eventually grinds the will to go on and never builds the same emotional connections as it predecessor.

    Trailblazers review – Ablaze with Potential

    Whilst the bare bones of a tight arcade meta game are present; Trailblazers just doesn't follow though on it. This reviewer just needed more content.

    Forgotten Anne review – Well, Not Entirely Forgettable

    Forgotten Anne is a brilliant animé with holes in it’s plot than can be forgiven. But as a platforming puzzler with elements taken from point and click adventure, it's just not up to task

    Reggie’s Love Affair with: The Halo Series

    Halo: Combat Evolve broke the Nerd Wall; the shooter demographic exploded from 13-year-old kids like myself to 20-odd year old people in student accommodation.

    Major Nelson Reveals Spotlight Sale Games and Deals With Gold

    This week's Deals with Gold and Spotlight sale has been revealed online by Xbox's Major Nelson. These deals are valid for 1 week and so...


