
    F1 2018 preview – “And it’s GO! GO! GO!”

    The career mode of F1 2018 will see a revamp with a huge focus on off-track activities like R&D and media/team relations. The race weekends have more importance with testing and rivalries always giving a player something to drive for. While it didn't rain during my two race weekend playthrough but the in-game footage of adverse weather was impressive.

    Gamescom 2017: ROCCAT Horde AIMO and Kone AIMO Hands-On

    German engineering never felt so good! I love Germany! I love the food, I love the beer and I also love Gamescom! Gamescom quickly became...

    Sony Mobile on Xperia 1: “The Content Caught Up – The...

    Sony Xperia 1 brings 4K back with a 21:9 OLED panel that aims to resonate with the public's love of streaming movies/TV on the go and the increasingly complexity and depth of mobile gaming.

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    Mafia 3 Preview

    The Mafia 3 Gamescom Preview is mighty fine! 1968 -- New Bordeaux. This is the setting of Mafia III. At the Gamescom presentation, we got...

    Preview: Overwatch Beta

    If you enjoy fun filled first person shooters with a twist, a myriad of colourful characters and lots of unique maps then Blizzard’s Overwatch...

    MWC 2019: Smartphone Form-Factor Innovation is a Big Deal

    Whether you feel like folding phones or pop-up selfie cams are for you or not, the sea-change in the basic shape and I/O of our devices is a good thing for all concerned.

    Gamescom 2016: ReCore Hands-On

    ReCore was one of the most interesting and beautiful titles that I saw at Gamescom. The Xbox One exclusive is a collaboration of two...

    Preview: Tom Clancy’s The Division Beta

    Tom Clancy’s The Division Beta was so successful the development team added on an extra twenty four hours. Assuming that the beta is pretty close representation of the final offering of the game it left players with high hopes and salivating to play in the Dark Zone again.

    Gamescom 2017: Deep Rock Galactic Impressions

    0 “Co-op games can be hard for a n00b to get into. If you select certain characters and screw up, people get angry ..." Game Director...

    Watch: Deus Ex Mankind Divided DX11 vs DX12

    By: Colin Dooley Today saw the release of the DirectX 12 preview patch for Deus Ex Mankind Divided on Steam. In this video, we look...


